December|Dante Network Fortnightly Report 12.01–12.14

Dante Network
2 min readDec 16, 2021


  • (Accomplished) Finalise the prototype system of PoC based on cryptography.
  • (On-going) Finalise V1.0 cross-chain message contract and carry on the tests and algorithm optimization on the test net of NEAR, AVAX and PlatON.

Technology development

Contract layer

  • (Accomplished) Finalise the cross-chain message transmission contract which belongs to the transport layer of cross-chain protocol. The development of cross-chain message transmission contract on NEAR, AVAX and PlatON has been completed and started to be deployed on the test net.
  • (On-going) Carry on the detailed design of the decentralised cross-chain contract cluster and start the design of cross-chain message verification algorithm.
  • (On-going) Carry on the development of cross-chain message contract, including Rust for WASM on NEAR, solidity for EVM on Avalanche and cpp for WASM on PlatON.
  • (On-going) Carry on the development of cross-chain token contract on NEAR, and carry on the research on the cross-chain token atomic interlock mechanism.

Node layer

  • (Accomplished) Carry on the detailed design of cross-chain node.
  • (On-going) Develop the encode/decode mechanism of the message aggregation of the cross-chain node on multiple chains, which would call the cross-chain contact and message transmission transparently among the smart contracts that are deployed cross-chain.
  • (Phased completion) Optimise the off-chain data transmission mechanism of off-chain nodes, which has achieved a stable status and can be used in the test net.

Auxiliary tool

  • (On-going) Develop community automated administration tool. (Develop the automation airdrop tool on NEAR)

System test

  • (On-going) Carry on the sub systematic test of cross-chain message transmission.


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Dante Network

Dante Network is a general middle layer protocol to realize the interoperability among multi-chains, and integrate diverse resources to empower dApps.